Too much of a good thing. Yup, we’ve all heard that one before. But normally, we attach this ever so common expression to things like chocolate, wine, and yes, even exercise—not inflammation. It makes sense though, doesn’t it? Nobody really...
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You don’t have to be a strict vegetarian to experience better health. Believe it or not, cutting back on meat (even just a little) has a ton of great benefits. And if you think skipping the meat isle means you...
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Still feeling the burn after your workout? If you are into fitness, you’re certainly no stranger to the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS— microscopic tears in muscle from intense or increased activity. For some, sore, achy muscles...
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With an increasing amount of pollutants making their way into our food supply, our environment and more products than we could possibly cut out of our lives – the need to detox is ever more important. Detoxing our bodies can...
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When your body is low on water, you become dehydrated. 80% of the human body is made up of water. Our bodies rely on water to function. Research tells us that even a 1% drop in your water and hydration...
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