Tips for Relieving Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Still feeling the burn after your workout? If you are into fitness, you’re certainly no stranger to the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS— microscopic tears in muscle from intense or increased activity. For some, sore, achy muscles are a sign of a good workout. But for others, the pain that is associated from overdoing it at the gym can be intense, lasting for several days, and interfering with daily activities. No matter which end of the spectrum you’re on, pushing yourself too hard and not taking the proper time to recover can wind up putting you on the sidelines. Don’t let DOMS keep you from your exercise regimen. If you’ve got that hit-by-a-truck feeling after a grueling workout, here are our top tips to speed up the healing process and reduce your risk of injury. Use a Foam Roller It might not look like much, but this little cylindrical piece of equipment sure does pack a power punch when it comes to reducing DOMS. After a workout, a foam roller is a handy tool that can help ease tension and work out those “knots.” Using your body weight, roll the foam over your major muscle groups, spending more time on those sore and tender spots. Foam rollers can vary in thickness, so be sure to pick one that won’t cause pain or discomfort. And, remember, more isn’t always better, so be kind to yourself. Try on Compression Socks Been to the gym lately? Then you’ve probably noticed that scores of people are wearing compression socks during their workouts. From weightlifting buffs to marathon runners, folks who use them swear by them—and for good reason. These tight, form-fitting socks compress veins, arteries, and muscle, preventing blood from pooling in the feet. As a result, you can expect better circulation, reduced muscle fatigue, and faster recovery times. Get a Massage A massage is another great way to ease the symptoms of DOMS. It has been shown to lower inflammation, increase circulation, and reduce pain. Massage can also help speed up recovery time, helping you return to normal faster. To get the most of your sessions, find a qualified registered massage therapist. They have the proper skills and training to help you meet your health goals. Keep moving When you’re sore and stiff, the last thing on your mind is more exercise. But if you want to reduce the symptoms of DOMS, you’ll need to push through some discomfort to get moving again. Doing some mild forms of exercise like walking, cycling, or swimming will help ease you back into to your regular gym routine. Take SierraSil No one wants to be on extended time out from muscle soreness—especially athletes. After all, you’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and energy on achieving your fitness goals and you don’t want to see all your hard earned gains needlessly waste away. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over pilot study on healthy athletes, in addition to testing whether taking SierraSil Joint Formula 14 would help them with their strength, researchers also wanted to see if this joint supplement would decrease the severity of DOMS. The highly experienced sport medicine physicians who did the study found that SierraSil’s effects on the athletes was “sport significant.” In the competitive world of athletics, all gains are worthy gains. Don’t let pain and stiffness keep you from reaching your fitness goals. Adding SierraSil to your exercise program will help minimize DOMS, getting you back to your activities faster. The SierraSil pain relief topical spray can also be used for temporary instant relief when you’ve over done it. Dr. Melissa Carr is a registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with 15 years of clinical practice and a B.Sc. in Kinesiology. In addition to using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, biopuncture, and nutrition to treat pain, digestive issues, stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and more, Dr.Carr is also a natural health and nutrition consultant, lecturer, and writer.