I’veusedSierraSilforalmost3years.Mysister-in-law recommended it because it worked well for her. Because of health issues I had a lot of discomfort and stiffness. Walking was difficult + stairs were almost impossible. My sleep was ready disturbed because I was so uncomfortable. Since...
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My name is John Collier, I spent 10 years in the Royal Marines before coming to Canada in 1972. In Canada I spent almost 30 years in the local trucking industry. Both of these occupations were extremely hard on my...
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Iamsendingyouthislettertoletyouknowhowyour“SierraSilJointFormula14”hasbeenhelpingme.In February 2014, I found out I have osteoporosis in my left knee. My husband heard from a friend at work about your product. He went out and got me to try. I tried them. And since I have been...
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AfewyearsagoIstartedtakingSierraSilformyknees. Within a few weeks I noticed a difference. Sorry to say, life got in the way and I stopped taking SierraSil for about 6 months. My knees cracked again. I am taking SierraSil again and have learned a valuable...
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Iamagolfprofessionalandveryactiveandonmyfeetalot.Ihavehadalotofdiscomfortinbothmyanklejoints and affter 1.5 weeks taking SierraSil, the discomfort is gone. I will continue taking it daily and recommend it highly to anyone experiencing joint discomfort.
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