
So,IhavebeenusingSierraSilJointFormula14forthepast7monthsbyfollowingyourinstructions. My joint discomfort, especially in my knees and ankles has almost totally diminished! I was in severe discomfort prior to taking this medication. Even my wife has noticed that I'm more about doing yard work etc, etc. I am...
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IstartedtakingSierraSil10December2007.Myankleswerehotandstiffandtheskinwasquitedark, within 1 week color normal and not hot, and discomfort diminishing in knees. I also have emphysema even with inhalers my breathing was still heavy and I was gasping and had to take rests in less than a block....
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In light of the NY Attorney General targeting herbals at certain retailers for missing ingredients and non-identified ingredients, can health supplements be trusted? The story, which broke in the NY Times may not be complete. For example, the test...
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