Helene N. - Chilliwack, BC*

I am currently 40 years of age and throughout the years have taken numerous medications, supplements and vitamins to control my condition. Fortunately I experienced some periods of remission from time to time with the aid of a medical team and western medicine. However I am not interested in taking these medications over a prolonged period of time as the negative effects exist.

Two years ago two people spoke of SierraSil within a 24 hour period. I believe this was some sort of Omen so I decided to take their advice based on their positive results. Note at the time I was experiencing discomfort in my hands each morning upon awakening and it was a challenge to grip items. So naturally I was willing to try anything!

The results were positive for me within the third month of taking the product. My partner was the one that made me aware of my positive results as I was no longer complaining and as a result he has been taking it over the last two years as well.

I am not under the belief that SierraSil will slow down the progression of my disease as it is still unknown as to the causes, but I do know that my discomfort levels have decreased significantly if not non-existent and the quality of my life has improved! I will continue to take this product for life as I consider it a staple towards my lifelong wellness. Thank you again.
