Why do I have to take SierraSil Joint Formula14 on an empty stomach?

SierraSil®’s composition naturally promotes absorption of the minerals.* When taken with water on an empty stomach, SierraSil® has a pH of about 3.5, which allows the beneficial minerals to be easily ionized and presented to the tissues to simultaneously replenish mineral deficiencies and support metabolic balance.* It is very important to always take SierraSil® on an empty stomach. If taken with food, medications or supplements the clay component of SierraSil® will become bound to food components such as fiber, phytates and phosphates, as well as your medications or supplements and will not be absorbed into the body but will instead pass right through with all the contents intact. If taking SierraSil with food and medications the maximum intended benefits will not be realized because the proper concentrations were not absorbed into the body.

Due to SierraSil®’s absorptive and adsorptive properties, SierraSil should be taken at a different time of day, at least 4 hours before or after taking any medications.