Tommy Europe

Tommy Europe was a professional Canadian Football player defensive back who played eleven seasons in the Canadian Football league.
A graduate of Bishope’s University, he is the owner of TOMMYEUROPE.TV, an online fitness community that has videos, social networking, E-Books, meal plans and fitness programs and bootcamps. In 2009 he released his Target Training Series of E-Books including SHRED Core & Abs, SHRED Bootcamp, SHRED UpperZone & LowerZone and Booty Shaper! He was voted BEST personal trainer in “The Georgia Straight" Best of Vancouver readers poll for 2006, 2007, and 2009. He hosted the Slice reality shows The Last 10 pounds and Bulging Brides, working as a personal trainer and fitness coach who helps participants lose weight for an upcoming special event.
Currently, Tommy spends most of his time touring as a motivational speaker and hosting bootcamps in cities across the country and continuing to promote his fitness regime SHRED.