Lunar New Year: A Lesson in Presence

Lunar New Year: A Lesson in Presence

Chinese take-away (not take-out)

Have you been at an event where it felt like you were more of a witness or observer of the event? That was true for me, when I visited China last November and was at some dinners where most of the conversation was in Mandarin. Fortunately, my hosts were kind enough to help me out and translate some of the conversations.

These restaurant meals in private rooms featured a remarkable feast of food on the rotating central portion of the table. What struck me as I observed, aside from the generous hospitality, was the social aspect. Just friends gathered to talk and dine. No distractions from a game on TV or hanging out on cell phones. Just vibrant and engaging conversation (and good food).

Yes this is not unique to China. But its still a take away that I had, and one that I want to be more mindful of. To be truly present with those around you, not distracted by the game on TV, or by what I need to do tomorrow or what I should've done today.

As I have a daughter-in-law and a future daughter-in-law of Chinese decent, and many friends of Chinese decent, I'll be celebrating Lunar New Year (officially January 29th) with some good food and no distractions, keeping in mind my Chinese take away, not take out, is be present with others, enjoy their company and be curious in conversation. Gung Hay Fat Choy (Happy New Year).